Getting started with TypeScript as a JavaScript developer

Sandeep Chahal
Wednesday, December 2 2020
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If you're a JavaScript developer, you might have heard of TypeScript already.

Or maybe you've had a quick dip into it, but the merit isn't immediately obvious.

Or perhaps your colleague hasn't stopped talking about it for the past two years, and you're keen to hear what all the hype's about.

Personally speaking, I've experienced all three of the above - and when I was first digging in to TypeScript, I found it quite difficult to find all the answers I needed as a beginner/hobbyist in one place.

I'm hoping that this article can:

Explain why you should bother learning TypeScript

Show you the advantages of why I think TypeScript's fantastic Demonstrate via examples the similarities between JavaScript and TypeScript

Why bother with TypeScript?

Let's start with an example. Spot the bug in this JavaScript code:

function multiply(value) {

    return value * 2;


var myNumber = multiply('2');

read full blog here


Saturday, December 12 2020

I like typescript 😁